There are a lot of things that I might do while I’m working. Listening to music, books on tape, DVD’s etc. Recently I’ve had the pleasure of listening to “The Tolkien Professor”. “The Tolkien Professor” is Corey Olsen, an tenured English professor at Washington College who has put his course on J.R.R. Tolkien’s writings online and as podcasts on iTunes. Along with the course, he also offers discussion like “How to read Tolkien and Why”, “Tolkien and Food”, “On Dragons and Orcs” and the like, as well as a more indepth discussion of the Hobbit, and a Silmarrilion Seminar.
Even if you're not a huge Tolkien geek like me, I highly recommend them. You can check them out
Imagine FX #66 is out on newstands this month, and includes an interview with yours truly. It also has a great profile on Charles Vess, and a great drawing step by step by Justin Gerard.