Here's the third card I illustrated for Magic 2012. Basically a satchel bag with a funny green man face in it. I originally had the eyes glowing, as seen in the digital color study below, but that changed to glowing magic leaking out of the bag. It's oils on paper mounted to MDF, 8" x 10".

Nice. Was the change on your account or theirs? I think it works both ways, but I'm kind of curious. Also, nothing beats a strap that doubles as a tongue!
ReplyDeleteIt was their change. I'm usually ambivalent about making changes, but I think in this case it makes the piece more appropriate for the original title on the art description (something to do with tricks). The glowing eyes gave it a ominous look, rather than the winking eyes in the finish that are much more whimsical.
ReplyDeleteNice. The two previously posted pieces are great, too. Love the skinshifter guy especially, man.
ReplyDeleteAwesome piece, man! I think the piece works with or without the change. Either way, it looks really sweet. Great handling with the glow effect.
ReplyDeleteI just found your blog! Your art is awesome!