Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Saints of the Apocalypse

 Saints of the Apocalypse
oil on panel, 25" x 40" ©SDN Creations

Rounding out the raft of work that came out from under NDA in the past few weeks is this piece I painted last summer. It's called Saints of the Apocalypse, and it's for any upcoming RPG. Thanks to Rian for letting me show it a little early. The zombie looking humanoids are actually demons who are shedding their human forms as the attack the band of good guys in the middle. It's still referred to by my wife and I as "the zombie piece" though. 

I enjoyed working on it because it let me try something not in my high fantasy/Magic: The Gathering comfort zone. Maybe I'll try something Sci-Fi at some point too :) 

And some detail shots...


  1. Dammit, why wasn't this in my zombie competition. This is freaking amazing.

  2. What does it for me is that unbelievable spiky arm and stormy sky!!
    no one has snatched this up yet??

  3. Great composition! Really lovely piece, that sky really packs a punch.
    Great job Matt! Hope all is well :)

  4. Nice work Matthew! You should give Scifi a try. You'll rock that too!
